When financing a trip around the world you have to pay attention to a lot of things. After all, you have no regular income during the trip. A good budget planning should be tackled early enough.
Here help reviews from other travelers. On the Internet you can find countless example calculations. Travel agents and consulates can help you with information about transportation costs (plane, ship) and visas. To finance the trip, family, friends and sponsors are also a great help.
In the circle of friends and relatives one findn people who like to help in some way. Be it by an invitation to eat (foodmoney saved) or by a small or large financial gift.
The sale of items that you no longer need, at flea markets or on the Internet, also brings money in the travel fund.
Sponsors can be the shops in your own neighborhood, your motorcycle dealer and other shops that are helpful in the realization.
Furthermore, you can have a can at home in which you put every evening all the coins you have in your wallet and bring it to the bank once it is full.
On the journey you will also meet many people. And with a little help on their farms, you could earn a free accommodation or a meal here and there.
So there are many ways to finance such a bigger trip.