Health is one of the most important aspects of a journey. No matter if it is a world trip or just a city trip. It is important to get the necessary information early.

Many information can be found on the Internet. In Europe most people have already the basic vaccinations. Some last a lifetime, others should be renewed from time to time, as vaccine protection lasts only for a certain period of time.

The most important vaccinations are

  • Tetanus, polio, diphtheria
  • Hepatitis A+B
  • yellow fever
  • rabies
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Typhus

When traveling in tropical areas you should also inform yourself about malaria and get advice.

Not to forget medicines too. A well-equipped travel pharmacy. Plasters, ointments, painkillers and dressings are included. Personal medication, e.g. because of an allergy, must not be forgotten.

For the necessary information the family doctor should be visited in any case. He also knows which vaccinations are still ok and which must be repeated.